Thursday, January 12, 2012


Wednesday's are busy for me. They are also a fun day because all my wonderful people that come in for training make me smile or laugh out loud. It is a fast paced day and it is over before I know it.

The highlight of yesterday was a late lunch. One of my most favorite people dropped off a bag for me before her training session and in it was two little cooler packs, a small container of her delicious chicken salad with dried cherries and pecans and cranberries, and utensils wrapped in a napkin with a bow wrapped around them. So so so sweet!

Perfect timing. Perfectly thoughtful and caring. I had a little picnic in between training sessions.

It is so ironic to me to remember that when I moved to Vegas I was warned to not trust anyone, that I would only meet people who were going to stab me in the back, that I would get road rage, and that I would not make any friends. It seemed odd to me then, because people are the same everywhere. Vegas is not Mars, people are not different here, and I have met and made friends with genuinely giving, caring, interesting, wonderful and fun people. I feel fortunate to know the people I do and to have the friends I have out here. And back East too!

"Money might make you wealthy, but friends makes you rich."

I am blessed.
-Nicola Byrne

"The making of friends, who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life."
- Edward Everett Hale

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